The Liebster award nomination

Hello lovelies!

Today I had a massive surprise since I got a little message from amazing Natalia, who nominated me for the Liebster award. It was such a pleasant surprise to find this little recognition and also I love the whole concept of this award.

So, what is the Liebster Award?
Basically, this is a program for fresh and starting bloggers with less than 200 followers. This way they can get some more public attention and of course - people can find out more about them. Ain't that such a creative and fun way to recognize new bloggers! :)
How does it work? 
When you have been nominated, you have 11 questions to answer. After answering them, create 11 questions yourself and nominate yourself 11 bloggers that you think need some recognition for their work!

Here are questions I got and my answers:

1. What's your favourite city or In which city would you like to live? 
    -   Right now I live in this cute little town called Tartu which is amazing, reminds me of London constantly. But actually, me and my bf have always dreamed about moving to Italy! If I'd ever get a chance to move somewhere else, I'd probably like to live in Florence (Firenze). That city is just .. magical.
2. Do you know/ speak any other language? and if not, Which one would you like to learn?
    -   As English is not my native language, I have to mention that I speak English :D Also, I've learned Russian, though I don't speak it. Moreover, as I mentioned before the little wish to move to Italy, I really really want to learn Italian!
3. What's your favorite meal of all the time?
    -  Oh I just love this question! Me and my bf are just total food-maniacs. We could cook all the time and just enjoy good food. He is wonderful cook and has totally spoil me with his delicious meals... yummy. My favorites right now are his Pasta Bolognese and Chilli con carne (you haven't enjoyed good food if you haven't got those 2 dishes!).
4. What's your favorite item in all your wardrobe?
   - What a good yet tough question to answer! I have so many items right now that I love love love. To start with, I love my maroon blazer that I could wear just constantly. Also, I love all my little slim fit mini skirts because they are the comfiest things ever! But - my biggest loves are the items I have made myself. Right now, I have this amazing dress I just made and will post soon-soon so yes guys, you have something chic to expect now.
5. What are those 3 things you can't live without?
   - My laptop ( I know, I know ... ), good food and my amazing bf that I love so much. <3
6. Those 3 things you would never get into (like some fashion trends, any TV show, etc).
   - I hope this won't sound too radical but yes there are some things I'd never involve myself with. Firstly, I have to admit and swear that I never go to nightclubs. Parties - yes, but nightclubs - no. I think that any classy and respectful women wouldn't step into those places. ;)  Hehe but when it comes to fashion there are also some things I really consider has huge mistakes. One thing that I don't like is velvet trousers - yes, there are many people who look good in them, but I know that they are not made for me. Also, I must say (thinking of this made me laugh) - I wouldn't wear rubber boots! They kind a just don't appeal to me and may be one of the things I'd never want to own myself.
7. The worst movie you've ever watched?
  - We are huge movie fans, but yes, sometimes we come across some really .. odd movies. The one I remember we didn't even watch till the end was Postal. It was so absurd and silly that we really just couldn't watch more :D
8. The best book you've ever read?
  - Oh I could just go on and on in this question! I'm actually a huge fan of Harry Potter and love those books. Still I wouldn't say it's the best, since I love so many different books - for example I think Paulo Coelho is amazing writer and his psychological books teach so much about life.
9. How did you came up with your Blog's title?
  -   I kind a have to disappoint you but there isn't really some huge mystery. The name "Zerxza" came literally out of the blue. It has kind a been inspired by the Persian king Xerxes but other than that there isn't really more similarity. That name just got stuck with me and become like a nickname. Now it has become a symbol of me and if you ever find something that has that name, it most likely has something to do with me. When it comes to the other part of the name - style, there is very logical explanation. I have been blogging for a long time actually and my last blog was "zerxza". Since I needed a fresh start, I deleted that blog and created a new one. Since that name was saved already, I couldn't create a new one named like that so there it came - Zerxza's style that resembles me and my fashion life.
10. How do you see yourself in 5 years?
  - Well, to start with - since I'm in university right now, I hope to finish unistudies in 3 years and then I have the qualification to be a teacher. :) I'd rather not make any more predictions but I hope to inspire people with what I do.
11. What will be your dream Job?
 -My life-long dream that I really want to achieve someday is to own a boutique and I work towards that goal! :)


pam-pam-pam-paaa... here are 11 lovely bloggers I chose as my nominees: 

And here are my questions for the nominees to answer: 

1. What is your first memory about fashion? (maybe you did something fashion-related when you were little etc)
2. Do you see your future related with fashion industry?
3. Who is your biggest inspiration?
4. What's your motto in life? 
5. What are the 3 little things that always make you smile?
6. Are you more of a winter-person or summer-person? Why?
7.  Do you prefer skirts or jeans? Heels or flats?
8. What's your biggest goal right now to achieve?
9.  If you had 10 000 dollars to spend on fashion-related items, what would be the first one for you to buy? Why that item?
10. What is your favorite area in history? Why? (50s,60s,70s... etc)
11. And of course the most important question of the season - What is the hottest thing to wear on The New Years Eve? x

So, I hope you're having good time of answering these questions/finding new amazing blogs to follow from these nominees :)

Also, nominees - don't forget to comment here a link to your post with your answers - I'd be more than happy to read what you have answered!


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