Have you ever found yourself sitting in a pile of clothes, being unhappy and not knowing what to do, what to wear? Or have you opened the doors of your closet, seeing there is absolutely NOTHING that makes you excited? Or stepping in your home and finding ahead a huge mess? Not just unwashed dishes or a bit of bread crumbles on the floor .. a true mess? Not having the willpower to clean it and just falling to the couch, feeling quite bad and at the same time too tired to make your home work the way you want it?
It seems at times like these that it's just things laying around, you don't have time, you have to go to school, work, run around and there is not enough energy to clean or make your surrounding look like you wish. It's not important because hey, they are just things, right? Doesn't matter that you look wishfully at pictures of beautiful homes, those pure, light apartments that seem to be untouched. And then you look around you and find that your home looks like the Room of Requirement.
There comes a point where all the willpower just goes away. It's not just things, you notice! The clutter around you is never just material. It's the clutter in YOUR head! It's that lack of inspiration that makes you not do anything. It's those ugly thoughts that drain you until there is not a drop of energy left. Decluttering your home & life means decluttering your own mind! .jpg)
Since I live in a quite small apartment, buying things I don't need is not really a thing for me. However, being a serious fashionholic, of course I go thriftshopping, buy some unique, beautiful pieces .. and that's how the closets get full. You know, when you've come to the point when the door of your closet doesn't close anymore, you know you need to get rid of most of the things you have and start over! That's what my week is all about :) Since I have so many clothes, shoes etc that I just do not wear anymore - mainly because my style & taste has changed so much - I decided to declutter my closets too and just start over. It's not that easy as I understood! Every piece has it's emotional value on us and it can be rather hard to get rid of things. However, I encourage you to at some point just clean it all up. Make your surrounding look amazing - look for some DIY ideas for some extra storage room, organize your jewelry, throw away/donate clothes that don't look flattering anymore. Letting go of the past and things that just pull you down is the most amazing, liberating feeling! Decluttering the mind means changing your life - to a much much lighter, better road.
What's your relationship with clutter? Are you a bit of a hoarder or you can keep your surrounding 100% organized? Share your thoughts <3
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