Having lived almost all my life in the country, I now notice strong influences by that. Love towards nature, parks, animals - and yes, somehow the wardrobe. Even though I've become one-hundred-percent a city girl by the heart, I suddenly saw how I had bought some completely rural items - what would be better than a plaid shirt, overalls and cowboy boots (oops, cowgirl boots!).
But what does it mean to be a country girl in Estonia? It's not really traditional as people might think it is - outfits like this are even not for everyday and for me the look emsembles more the American rural culture. Over here however, living in country is a whole another thing. The life goes by much much slower - comparing to the hectic world in the city. It's like time is going somewhat slower and people live in a very different rythm. At the same time, they all want to keep up with the city, following the news and trends from the city but whenever they go there, they just don't fit. When it comes to work, then yes of course there are these traditional farm houses that work with animals, produce milk, other dairy products and meats - they are the people that go to the farmer's market in certain days to sell their products. Actually, those days of the market are the days when many people come out to interact with others, buy some food and chat with friends. Farmer's market is like a little reunion of people who share the news and happenings!
Talking about holidays, people at the country are much more urban than you would imagine. We don't really "bow to the land" or celebrate any holidays that are combined with the farm-work .. it's just that we know about these little days, like: there are days when you can't take a needle in your hand because you will see many snakes then in the summer .. or there are certain days to seed your plants so they would grow better. Those little things make the difference and even though sometimes even I think it's weird, it's somewhat cute to know those days and the little superstitions.
I've lived in a little borough with few thousand people living there, went to a school with only 300 students and being in such small community does not mean only that everybody knows everybody - since people are close to each other, there are many rumors, gossip, bad talk. It's just one of those things that comes with the un-anonymous life. At the same time however, you will have close friends and people cheering for you, being always there to celebrate the events in your life.
Are you a country girl yourself or a true city-girl? Maybe you have some friends or relatives living at the country? Share your country-stories with me!
Kuna ma olen terve elu elanud maal, siis leian ikka aeg-ajalt sellekohaseid mõjutusi. Eesti maaelu on hoopis teistsugune kui mujal - elu kulgeb seal rahulikumalt ja aeg nagu mööduks aeglasemalt kui linnas. Samas turupäevadel on kogu alevike või küla ellu puhutud ning kõik tulevad välja, et suhelda ja jagada külaelu uudiseid. Sellise väikese kogukonna juures on muidugi oma koht ka kuulujuttudel ja kõmul, kuid kui seda ignoreerida, siis näeb, kui ühtehoidva kollektiiviga tegelikult tegemist on :)
Kas te olete ka maatüdrukud või hoopis täiesti linnaneiud? Või meie väikest Eestit teades, siis olete ehk veetnud aega maal ja on vahvaid lugusid juhtunud? Jagage oma mõtteid ja juhtumisi! :)
Pictures by Rauno Põldme
* Denim overall - Monki | * Shirt - Terranova | Boots - Vintage | Accessories - thrifted
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