Nothin' lasts forever but the earth and sky

Pictures by Rauno P. 

Hello lovelies! :) 

It has been such a long time since I had a day off without any worries about school, any appointments or very important errands to run - I don't even remember the last time having such free time! It was a true pleasure and very relaxing after all this running around with balancing school, work and blogging. Also, we were really blessed with beautiful weather today so the first thing we wanted to do was to shoot some pictures :) While strolling on the city, we stopped by this old broken house that used to be a famous restaurant but now it's just standing there in it's lonesome existence. I don't know what's so special about places like these, but seeing buildings in such shape makes me always inspired with it's atmosphere, sometimes it even makes me a bit nostalgic. It's so interesting to look at these houses and think about what has happened there in the past, what kind of people have visited it, what has made it look like it is now ..

Actually at first I didn't even plan to shoot with this outfit, but as we found that beautiful wall covered in graffitis, we felt that this is the place to shoot. Now, even though the outfit is very plain and casual, I realized after looking at the photos that the expression and the poses really made it work with the surrounding and in the end it turned out great, showing a bit edgier side of an everyday outfit. I've always loved mixing casualling (a term taken from Kristina @Kayture, thank you girl :D) with edgyness, so yay! When it comes to the skirt, I just had to take it out for a walk since I haven't worn it in ages - slightly due to the feeling as if I shouldn't wear skin-tight skirts. However, I really recommend for all girls, even girls with curves to dress sometimes in skinnier clothes because it's not that bad at all :)  I've finally accepted the fact that I'm a plus-size girl - being a size 10 - and I'm proud. Being a bigger size doesn't make you ugly, some of the most beautiful women in the world are plus-size, like Whitney Thompson who is absolutely gorgeous! Be bold, be you and experiment with something you've never tried before :)

I hope you like this outfit and it made you a bit inspired. Share your thoughts with me! :) xo

* Skirt - Terranova
* Top - Amisu
* Shoes - Odeon 

(While we were walking around, we noticed a little cute cat sitting under a car, which had a licence plate: ARG. The funny part is that the word "arg" means in estonian "cowardly" and the cat was actually hiding under the car. See the irony?!) 

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