If you want to do some serious shopping in Estonia but are looking for high quality items from well-known recognized brands and designers, Kaubamaja is the place to go! It has always been one of my favourite shopping centres in Estonia because it provides amazing products - especially when it comes to make-up and beauty products. So therefore, when it was announced that this whole week is revolving around fashion events, all stylish women in Estonia were excited! The week started with having some pop-up stores of great designers providing some edgy items on the store, continued with 2 excellent fashion-related movies and ended with some fashion shows featuring upcoming trends. Friday and Saturday were all about the shows but thanks to a very busy schedule we didn't manage to go to the women & men shows but only to the galashow - hearing about a galashow with evening gowns from our top designers in the country I was thrilled because I knew it will be awesome!
Kui avalikustati, et terve see nädal on meie armsas Kaubamajas Moekuulutaja, siis olin ma nagu paljud teisedki Eesti naised ülimalt rõõmus - tõotas ju tulla üks huvitav nädal! Nädal algas pop-up poe avamisega 3-ndal korrusel, jätkus vahvate moefilmide näitamisega teisel korrusel ning kulmineerus muidugi ägedate moeshowdega! Eilne ja tänane keerles showde ümber, kuid kuna meil oli väga palju tegemist, ei jõudnudki me teistele showdele, vaid läksime ainult eilsele galashowle. Kuuldes, et reede õhtul esitletakse imelisi õhtukleite meie tipp-disaineritelt, uskusin ma, et ees ootab üks võrratu üritus!
... but I was wrong. If you hear a word saying "galashow" you think about glitz, glamour, over the top amazing show that leaves you thinking "wow". That event was nothing close to that! Let me just start from saying it lasted 15 minutes. AND it was supposed to feature 7 designers so imagine now - you go to an event that is advertised as galashow, you know there is supposed to be 7 designers and the show lasts 15 minutes. How disappointing does it make you?! Also, I think they didn't really nail the exact place for runway because it was located right near to the main door on the first floor, between the elevator (!!) and shops so it was all a bit compressed and didn't fit. On fashion shows I expect them to take me to "another world", meaning I want to forget about the surrounding and let the show take over all the senses. In this case the location and shortness of the event didn't really even get to me. Overall, my biggest impression was that the part made by designers was devine but the work the organizers made just blew it - those dresses deserved a much more glamourous surrounding!
.. aga kahjuks ma eksisin. Kui öeldakse sõna "galaetendus", siis manatakse kohe ilme ette glamuurne etendus, mis paneb sind õhkama ja ütlema vaid "wow". See etendus aga polnud sellele muljele isegi lähedal! Esiteks, see kestis vaid 15 minutit. JA seal pidi olema kleite 7 disainerilt seega kujutage ette seda pettumust, kui lähete üritusele, mida on reklaamitud galashowna ning see kestab vaevu 15 minutit. Samuti oli asukoht poodiumi jaoks pisut vale - see oli põhimõtteliselt kohe ukse juures, liftide ja poodide vahel, mistõttu tekkis väga kokkupressitud tunne. Moeshowdel ootan ma, et see viiks mind nö "teise maailma" - et ma saaksin ümbruse unustada ja lasta showl ennast kaasa viia. Sellel puhul aga ei jõudnud ma isegi korralikult asja nautima hakata. Üleüldiselt jäigi mulje, et disainerite töö on küll üüber, kuid organiseerijate pool tegi selle tühiseks - need kleidid väärisid tunduvalt glamuursemat ümbrust.
However, in the whole there were bits and pieces that did save the show in my view. To start with, the music was in one word epic - having Nightwish as a strong, powerful background it made the evening gowns look fierce and models seem whimsical and mystique. Also, when to think about the fact that show presented different designers, it was a complete whole and all the dresses fit together very well - you almost couldn't even make a difference between different designer work! Nice fabrics, perfect hair and make-up on the models and rich colors stole the show and rocked it. In the end I think even though the organization wasn't superb, it's still amazing to have a fashion show arranged in a department store where all people can be apart of it.
Siiski, kokkuvõttes oli show'l killukesi, mis tegid selle minu jaoks huvitavaks. Muusika oli hämmastav - Nightwish tegi kogu show võimsaks ja andis kleitidele ägeda mulje ning modellidele müstilise oleku. Samuti, kui mõelda faktile, et shows esitati mitme erineva disaineri kleite, oli kõik väga terviklik ja kleidid sobisid hästi kokku - polnud peaaegu võimalik eristada erineva disaineri tööd! Head materjalid, täiuslik soengu- ja meigivalik ning rikkalikud värvid tegid kleidid hämmastavaks. Kuigi organiseerimispool polnud just parim, on siiski hea mõelda, et üritus korraldati siiski meile nii igapäevases kaubamajas, kus kõik inimesed said olla osa moeshow'st.
What do you think about the gowns and the overall impression of seeing a fashion show in a department store? What's your favourite trend in this fall and winter?
Millised olid teie lemmikkleidid Moekuulutaja galashowl? Kas külastasite ka ise Tartu või Tallinna kaubamaja etendust? Jagage oma muljeid! :)
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