My main blog: Zerxza . That was my first one and my ultimate reason to blog in Tumblr! It reflects my personal style, but then again gives me so much inspiration for everyday life but also my collections, diy projects and much more. I love love love my blog so much, it's almost like a little job to me haha.

My color-fashion blog: C-hromatique. I love colors in every aspect and this blog inspires me in the darkest times to still dress positively and fierce :)
My couture-fashion blog: couture-dream . This blog is such inspiration to me when it comes to making fashion, creating something artistic. :)

Of course as I have mentioned, me and R are HUGE food-maniacs haha. Our big dream is to open our restaurant so what could be better than a food blog! This is called rissorante-amore and inspires us every day when it comes to food.

And finally my one and true paradise, my little "peace-world" - mystic-dawn. It's nothing more than my oasis of life. It's filled with pictures that make my heart bounce and fills me with happiness - it's like love and positivity all in one place.

So, now you see what a Tumblr maniac I am! What do you think about Tumblr? Do you like it or do you even have one? Share with me your Tumblr-blogs! <3
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