You can play with fire without getting burned

Heyhey! <3

I'm so glad it's sunny outside because now I actually have the motivation to get out of bed and do some crazier photo shoots! Well, the only thing is that I'm soooo tired of wearing boots and want to wear shoes but the streets are nowhere near of being nice enough to walk with stilettos on them. Therefore - no walking around the town for photo shoots today! No biggy I guess, because it all turned out well in the end. That little shed is our "magical place" for photo shoots, because the dark wall catches sun as a little twinkling star and also I'm feeling in my zone when I pose over there. Funny how one little place, a tiny corner can become this amazing spot where you get so inspired; where you feel comfortable and safe. Since I'm still very new to modelling business, it's quite important to have a place like this, where I can always feel relaxed. If you are not feeling 100% comfy with yourself, there's no point of trying to do any photos because your face is like a mirror that shows exactly how unwell you are feeling at that moment. Sometimes I do like when my face is a bit "off"  but only when it suits the outfit and the meaning I'm trying to express. 

Now about the outfit. It's just one of those outfits that made itself turn up. Firstly, a while ago I bought these electric blue over-knees .. Then I accidentally broke them a bit so I couldn't wear them .or at least that's what I though at first. A while later we realized.."Hey, we actually can use them by breaking them even more" .. And you see the result now on the pictures! I'd say it didn't turn out bad at all, it actually looks cool, though I was a bit paranoid at first when Rauno attacked my stockings with scissors 0.o   Since broken stockings have this trashy feeling, I decided to make the hole outfit a bit more devilish with wearing a see-through corset and of course - leather! When talking about the corset, it is another treasure from a tiny boutique - how is it possible that 90% of my wardrobe is found from these little boutiques around the corner?! You know what's even more funny? Those places actually sell incredible stuff! That particular corset I'm wearing cost 6 euros for me, but after a little googling I found out that it is made by a very famous French lingerie company (which you can check from HERE), that has over 40k followers in Facebook. I'd say that's a huge deal! It all turned out to be very out of my comfort zone, but the more I experiment, the more I can get knowledge on what style represents me the most and so in the end I'm really glad to do outfits like these sometimes.

I hope you are enjoying the outfit & share your thoughts about the look below in the comments. <3

PS: Since the Google Reader is shutting down soon, all of you who are following me in GFC, please switch to Bloglovin or follow me in Facebook <3 I wouldn't want any of you to lose my blog's link. :) Much love to you all!

 * Skirt - Promod
* Leather jacket - Vero Moda
* Blue over knees - Seppälä
*  Corset - Soleil Sucre Lingerie
 * Head band - Unknown 
* Rings - Self made/vintage finds

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